Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:16 December 2018
New: Edit Guides can hide hair
New: Moov physics visualization in viewport
New: Minor compacting and reorg of Edit Guides panels
New: HairFromGuides Modifier hair isolation
WIP: Initial controls for elastic brush and control points support in Edit Guides
Fixed: MoovPhysics: External Collisions not working
Fixed: Switching to Edit Guides modify panel is very slow
Fixed: Edit Guides: Only non-soft selected Control Points should determine where transform gizmo is located
Fixed: Multiplier maps don't work with ChangeWidth operator
Fixed: Unable to invert multiplier values
Fixed: Incorrect Hair from Guides interpolation and guide type icons
Fixed: Frizz Operator: Different results on mirrored strands
Fixed: EditGuides: Undoing Move roots changes the strands shape when some guides have been previously deleted

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)