Animation cache problem

Data created:7 February 2020

My files keep crashing when using the animation cache modifier - just as it finishes recording the sequence. I have a moov physics mod above my edit guides and the Animation cache above that. Am I doing something wrong?


Doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong, sounds like a bug. Can you please provide more details about your working environment? 3ds max version, Ox version and build and OS.

Are you able to reproduce this is a clean scene? If not, please provide a simplified version of the problematic scene, just enough to show the issue. You can send me the scene to jeordanis.f (at) ephere . com, with a link to this post. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

After a bit of testing in a fresh scene I can't replicate it - so I guess my file has got corrupted a bit. I was loading different caches onto my base mesh and running the physics, creating caches etc.. a lot of times - so I guess something broke along the way..

using version in 3dsMax 2020, Windows10.

Thanks very much for your help.

I see. To be able to debug this issue we need the scene. Let me know if you can provide it. Ephere can sign an NDA if necessary. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)