- "Interpolation Guid Selection" in Hair from Guides affects "Dense Distribution Settings".
For example, if use Dense Distribution Settings >> Guide Proximity >> Distance to generate hair only around the guide, after select "Barycentric InterPolation" in "Interpolation Guid Selection" and set it to "Nearest Neighborhood Triangulation". The "Distance" effect will be lost.
I can reproduce it. We will investigate it.
-Also, if you select the right icon (Guid Circle area InterPolation) of Interpolation Guid Selection, the Distance value will be affected even if you uncheck "Guide Proximity" in Dense Distribution Settings.
I can reproduce it. We will investigate it.
- "Use Guide Faces" in Dense Distribution Settings in Hair from Guides does not work properly.Iterations "2" looks like it's set to 3.
I will investigate this.
- In Ornatrix 6, the base mesh is always calculated as a triangle, but in Ornatrix 7, it seems that it is not triangulated. Is this a specification change?
I'm not sure I understand, can you elaborate? Ornatrix doesn't make changes to the mesh topology.
- When group Guides, the boundaries of the groups are clearly separated in the Hair from Guides now. Is it possible to disable forced per-group completion?Also, guide group creation is not reflected in real time in 3ds Max.The user must take action to recalculate in the Hair from Guides modifier.
I can reproduce it. Thanks.
Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)