Ox Scatter Input does not generate anything

Posted by:Friendlyfire_on
Data created:6 December 2020


When I have input as the option for ox scatter I get no output. I am wondering if I'm missing something. I cannt use Ox Change Width to change the width in the ox scatter when using adopt input shape instead.


Here it is with "adopt input shape"


I'm using the build from 1 hour ago ( but had the same issue on


Hello, just bumping this to see if I could get some assistance- Thanks! Let me know if I can provide anything more.


THank you for bumping this. 

I can see some issues when Output Shape Method is set to Inpuit. We will look into that. 

When using Adopt Input Shape the width is controlled directly from the reference object. So you have to use Change Width in the reference object. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Ok, thank you for the reply and for looking into it. It would be nice to have the width changeable not just on the input object, because when using adopt input shape the proportions get stretched and I can't increase width to fix them-  I suppose thats the point of using input shape though, yes?


Anyways, thank you!

Fixed for the next nightly build. 

You are correct. That is the point of using Adopt Input Shape. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Huge thanks!!!!!

