Hey all, I'm running into a strange issue when I try to ground my spline generated hair strands with my base mesh. My model has 3ds Max hair/fur (wsm) modifier applied to it. I'll outline my workflow below. You can also watch the video to see what the problem is.
1. I convert the hair to splines
2. I then adjust the pivot of the spline and quick align it with my base mesh.
3. I then align the splines to world.
4. I reset the xforms of my file
5. I then apply an "OX Guides from Shape" modifier
6. I then apply an "OX Ground Strands" Modifier.
7. I click on my base surface in grounding parameters.
8. I click on "roots detached".
9. When I click roots detached, my hair scales up very large and switches from the z-up direction to y-up. Does anyone know why this is happening?