Urgent problem with long fur and skin modifier

Posted by:MikkoMiettinen
Data created:14 October 2021

What is the general workflow with skin modifier and morpher? I´m getting really weird fur interpolation with lion fur. With static objects I dont get this kind of artefacts. Also clumping does not work with this setup. 


Attached Files:
Image 1

Is there better way to do the lion mane? Or should this technique work? Now the facial fur and mane fur is same ornatrix system. Just used some simple brushing to give the general direction to the fur. 

Also forgot to mention the software details:

3dsmax 2022.2


Is hard to tell without diving into the scene, but the interpolation looks correct to me. It will depend on the algorithm that you are using though. I would like to see the Hairs from Guides results without any modifier above. If the interpolation changes suddenly or after reloading the scene, maybe the morpher is changing the topology or tessellation of the mesh at loading time. I need to check the scene to know for sure. 

Regarding the workflow, I think the best approach is to have multiple hair systems for each hair tyle: Mane, short fur, wiskers, ears, inner ear, etc... This allows for better control and less complex hair stacks. Also is better for debugging. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

My bad and it sorted out. Cool I did not understand that you can use ox modifiers after changing guides to hair, which is obvious now to me. Still noob on Ornatrix Laughing Also made it from scratch so that I have different groups/part of fur..those that need simulation and those that don´t need. Seems to work perfectly! Thanks!
