Ornatrix to create a RUG

Posted by:albertomaciel
Data created:20 October 2021

Hello guys! I'm very inclined to buy ornatrix (running the demo version at the moment) due the fact that 3DS Max Hair&Fur is obsolete, to work on some studio shots for the company I work for (a Rug company).
I need to match the fur of some shaggy rugs in 3D (3ds max+ Corona).
I'm getting a very nice result BUT my render's fur (right image) isn't that.. "Soft" as the reference (left). The strands are too defined, too sharp. I need it more like wool.
Is there a way I can smooth it out? I just can't find tutorials to do rugs on Ornatrix, just actual hair (And for hair, that would be perfect but).
Any clue how I could (if possible at all), achieve that result? I messed with a lot of settings but my lack of knowledge is setting me back.

The image:

Attached Files:
Image 1


I would decrease the strand width in ChangeWidth modifier, then increase the fur density in Hairs from Guides to make it look fuller. Finally, add some Frizz just at the tips of the strands. In VRay, Arnold and Redshift, you get settings to tweak the strand width at render time, allowing better anti-aliasing. It will add a little blur around the hair strands, giving you a smoother effect. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Thank you for the reply, Jeordanis! I'll give it a shot! I have My PC On for 3 days so I don't lose the project lol
I tried to increase the hair count but after some point, it just feels that it doesn't increase anymore. Is that some limitation on the DEMO version? I'm already running a RIDICULOUS amount of hair. I have a Threadripper 3990x and it is suffering to render haha
Also the COMB modifier is making harder to get that "smoothness" because it kinda separates the roots, allowing us to see much more shadow on the fur. I already tried to make the comb modifier not act on the root using the curve but just didn't work lol

The demo doesn't have such limitaiton. Maybe is too dense already and you can't notice the difference. 

About the smoothness, since this is an static object, maybe you can smooth out the transitions in the direction of the strands using a Normalize modifier. 

About the demo, you can apply for an evaluation license for 30 days. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)