Hair "fluffiness" ??

Posted by:albertomaciel
Data created:3 December 2021

Hello! I suggested to my company to start using Ornatrix instead of the old and primitive Hair&Fur because clearly, it provides much more tools and possibilities. My boss told me to take a shot and show them the results so I'm running the trial version but I'm struggling to achieve the "Fluffiness" the H&F provides when increasing the hair passes. Someone can give me a hand? All my results are too "harsh" and defined fur. I need something softer. I'm already using a ridiculously amount of hair at the point that the change isn't noticeable anymore. 
Both objects have the same material on it.
Thank you!

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Image 1


Ornatrix works different than Hair&Fur. in Ornatrix you layer effects until you find the desired results. This approach gives you many ways to do the same thing, but you need to understand what every modifier does. So I suggest you to take a look into the documentation.

In this case, the first thing to do is:

Decrease the hair strand width to match your example.

In Hair from Guides, match the hair count from your example using the hair count parameters. 

From there, start adding effects. I would start with a Frizz modifier. In my opinion that is all that is needed to match your example. 

Add additional complexity using other modifiers. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)