Rendering freezes on Transforming Vertices...

Posted by:maxmoud
Data created:24 June 2022

My scene has been freezing on render for upwards of 15 mins (when it doesn't crash), with the message "Transforming Vertices".  I think I've narrowed it down to some issue with Ornatrix, because when I turn off my character's hair layer visability, it seems to render fine.  The thing is, it was rendering fine a few days ago and I haven't made any changes, so I'm completely at a loss trying to figure out why it hangs.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I'm using Max 2022, V-ray 5.20.23 and Ornatrix 7.2.9.

* Turns out it was the skin wrap modifier(s).  Didn't know they had to be at the bottom of the stack.

Correct. Ornatrix is topology dependent, so any modifier modifying the mesh topology can cause problems. Maybe I can offer some advice, can you post a screenshot of your modifier stack?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)