C4D Baked\Animated splines to OX Guides

Posted by:m.zaharevics@ghdhair.com
Data created:24 August 2022


Is it possoble to transfer spline animation to OX guides so they follow the spline position? I find OX MoovP to be very slow on my workstation, thus lookign for a workarouind to be able to drive hair animations. 


Thank you


If you have animated splines you can use the Hair from Curves preset. The Ornatrix guides generated will follow the animation of the splines.

If you have an Alembic cache of the animated splines you can import them as Ornatrix Alembic. This will generate an Ornatrix hair object from your Alembic Cache. Then you can add the Animation Cache modifier to the stack and load the cache again there to get the animation. Add more modifiers to build your groom. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)