Ornatrix Edit Strands Hotkey?

Posted by:marcos blag
Data created:1 January 2023

Hello, new user here.

May I know how to add a hotkey to toggle Edit Strands ( Within Edit Guides ).
Attached an image of the desired toggle below.


Using Ox Maya
here's the image

Attached Files:

>EditStrands.PNG (10563 bytes),


You can set Maya hoykeys for any command using the Hotkey Editor. You can assign the command that switches the editor modes to a hotkeys and that's it. 
You can find all the Ornatrix commands using the Script Editor while pressing the buttons in the UI with "Echo All Commands" enabled.
For instance, the MEL command OxSetEditGuidesMode2( 1, 0,""); will set the Edit Mode to mode 1, which is Edit Strands mode. If you replace the 1 with a 2 it will switch to mode 2, while using a 0 will reset the mode. 
I hope this helps. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)