Hair on animated skinned geo not working with backburner

Posted by:lucamelo
Data created:26 January 2023


I correctly rendered an animated character with oxHair on my main workstation, the hair sticks on the geo and renders ok. But when I try to send a job to Backburner to the faster pc on my lan for rendering, the hair renders ok but remains in the very first frame position. I tried the Animation Cache modifier on top of the modifiers stack, but nothing changes. On the workstastion the hair renders correctly, with remember roots and ground strands in mesh vertex mode, but when sent to Backburner it does render but doesnt move. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for your help, I'm using max 2023.3 and licensed Ornatrix_3dsmax_2023_7_7.4.0.31533.

Is the hair animated with cached files? You need to make sure that the cache files are loaded in render farm. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I just reopened the scene, and started the exact same version of it to backburner.... and now it works....... dont know why Laughing

Maybe something reloaded properly this time. Let me know if the issue appears again. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)