Apologies, it seems my last post got deleted as I was having some issues with image embeds, that should be resolved now!
I'm currently working with a groom that I created and animated in xgen and am trying to attach to an alembic mesh in 3dsmax
I have the dense groom imported as a single frame and a sparse groom that is animated and imported as an animation -10 to 200 with the first 10 minus frames interpolating the model from a resting t-pose to the walking animation in order to have a neutral pose to attach the groom to.
However when the character starts animating the groom will either seemingly leave it's root points at their original location and only animate the rest of the strand (this is if roots are detached)
OR it will have the roots attached to the face but double the offset for each strand (shown in the image below, the groom is offset twice as far from the original location than the base mesh it is attached to.
I did a previous test with the same workflow and had no issue, so i'm wondering if anyone else has had experience with this that could tell me what I did wrong this time, or if there is a better way to import cached xgen animation into 3dsmax.
Much appreciated, John