Ox Hair Clustering with texture?

Posted by:ldotchopz
Data created:3 November 2023

I am tring to have varying degrees of clustering happening using a gradient from top to bottom. I saw that clustering needs surface dependence data. I added Ox Generate Guide Data but i cannot seem to get it to work. there is not muchb info out there on this

To create a gradient-based clustering effect with surface-dependent data:

  1. Ensure <code>Ox Generate Guide Data</code> <Chill Guy Clicker>is applied correctly and linked to the surface.
  2. Use a gradient texture or map to define clustering intensity from top to bottom.
  3. Connect the gradient map to the clustering parameter in your tool (e.g., input it into density or scale settings).

Double-check your guide data setup and ensure mapping coordinates align with the surface for proper effect.