Cant't remove roots from Guides generated from 'Ox Guides on Spline'

Posted by:27022
Data created:17 October 2024

Ornatrix version: 3dsmax 2025 demo

Max version: 2025.2


Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a Line (spline).

2. add Ox Guides on Spline modifier.

3. add Ox Edit Guides.

4. Select Root Mode.

5. Select some Guides.

6. Click 'Remove' under the Root Mangement Tab.


Result: The Guides do not get removed which is unlike how it works when Guides are created from mesh.

Try switching the Change Tracking option in Edit Guides from Surface to Strand.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

yes, that works, thank you.