
Posted by:poko
Data created:29 April 2015


I cant get this right:

Can you share some simple scene with the braid dan with Ornatrix?

Or any tutorial?

I can get braid guids but after adding OxHair from Guids results looking not correct.

Do I need to change root distribution or how?

Please help.



Any help?


Could you share some details about the issue you are having? A screenshot could help or a simple scene showin what your trying to set up or the issue that your getting.



Hi Michael. Please see in attach two scenes.

I have one more quastion.

Can I attach tip (end of the hairs or even midlle) of the quides/hairs to some animated object?

I know I can use shells but this cut my hairs. Any idea how I can do that? 

Thank you.

Attached Files:

>ornatrix1.JPG (41064 bytes), >ornatrix1a.JPG (42353 bytes), >ornatrixq2.JPG (129737 bytes), >Ornatrix_quastion1.max (245760 bytes), >Ornatrix_quastion2.max (634880 bytes),



In Ornatrix1a.jpg you have some strange interpolation. In your scene it looks like this is do to the Strand Detail modifer. If you remove that it should look correct. I will investigate what is going on with Strand Detail. 


Ornatrixq2.jpg seems to have a rendering issue. Your scene renders OK for me here. I might suggest updating to the latest version of Vray.


There is currently no way to attach the hair tips to another object. We have thought about adding something like this before though.


