improve dynamics caculation result

Posted by:polygon
Data created:15 June 2015

hi, im using ornatrix to do some dynamic calculation, well ,the result is not that good, is there any way to improve the dynamic accuracy? in massfx or in ornatrix?

thanks  alot

the inaccurate thing i mean hairs get through the mesh

I suppose this could be done with some MassFX setting. Please check your scene scale as it could also affect the outcome of dynamics (it is sensitive to the units used).

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

it seems that ornatrix dynamics collision dose not support skined mesh or deformed mesh, am I correct?

Yes, in V3 deforming meshes cannot be used as collision objects. This is true across all MassFX.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

i found if i add ox hair on skinned mesh or deformed mesh(such as point cache) the dynamic simulation dosent work, i tried to create a new sphere with ox hair in the same scene, when i started to simulate in massfx , the sphere hair began to do his simulation work, but the hair on deformed mesh still holded, nothing happned, why is that? thanx