I'm using ornatrix for a high end game model and am using the following modifiers:
-OX Hair from Mesh Strips
-OX Mesh From Strands (these will be my game hair cards)
My problem started with the orientation/angle of some of the Flat Bilboards in Mesh from Strands.
They need to be laying flat on the head surface but it seems that they aling based world space orientation.
(Please correct me if I'm wrong)
Luckily I found OX Ratate Strands modifier in the V4 beta which allowed me to sort of fix and control the orientation a bit.
However I don't understand what kind of map the "Angle Map" slow is supposed to use.
I tried different types of maps. Height maps, normal maps, pure black/white.
I get different results but never anything predictable.
Could someone please explain to me how the Angle Map in OX Rotate Strands exactly works.