fur misbehaving when rendering

Posted by:jagathhg
Data created:13 May 2016

i get an issue of fur misbehaving when rendering sequence of an animation for this teddy character below.
it happens in the areas such as it's armpit and hip areas where the mesh overlaps together when the teddy sits and stands.
such issue is not visible in the viewport even when scrubing the time-line and even if i render the sequence frame by frame.
I would be greatful if someone can give me a solution for this issue.

Here is issue when i render a sequnce (@frame 15)



here the same frame out come when I render as a single frame (@frame 15)

and here is the modifire stack i used for this character

I would try turning off Turboshmooth at the bottom of the stack first. Its never a good idea to have this in below hair generation as it changes the topology. Also please test without the clustering mod and let me know if your still having the same issue. 



thank you so much for your quick reply sir..!
I did a render only by switching off the 'clustering modifier' and withouth switching off the 'turbosmooth modifier'. and it worked out.
I want to keep the 'turbosmooth' modifier because the model looks very boxy without it.
anyway sir, i want the fur to be clustered also.
so is there a solution to keep the 'clustering modifier' and get rid of this issue.

thaks again sir.

I would try unchecking Dynamic Update. If that does not work you might go with Use UV coordinates that should not have the same issue as it will be based on the UVs.



Thanks sir...!!
I tried rendering with uchecking 'dynamic updates' but it didn't work.
then as you said i tried using uv coordinates and it worked. I rendered a sequence successfuly and i had to reduce the threashold value of 'global clustering' from 999 to 2.
thank you again sir.