got to dig that out again.
iam still not exactly sure about the workflow here for 3dsMax.
Most of the time i use the vraydisplacement modifier on my basemesh.I use the vrayBMPFilter (better displace-handling) to load the 32bit EXR or sometimes a VrayHdriLoader.
If i use an Offset of "0" in the hairsettings, i get instersections between the Ornatrix Hair and my basemesh.
So somehow i must use the offset.But how do i get the "correct value" here?
As far as i testet now, an offset value of 1 seems to be correct for a displacevalue of 1cm.
It does work with the 3dsmax internal "displace" mod and the VrayDispalceMod.Also with a BMPFilter and the HDRloader.
to call it "Offset" - seems strange when you "have" to use a value of 1 to match your Displacement modifier´s-settings?
correct me if iam wrong.