Peacock Tail

Posted by:suztv
Data created:23 October 2016

I'm trying to make a Peacock tail with convincing dynamics but the problem I'm having is that any amount of dynamics only seem to make the feathers relax and kind of lie there like wet noodles.  I've tried messing with the settings with marginal improvement.  Is there a way to make the feather's spring but not relax?  Also - would love to make the feathers more like real peacock tail feathers but the tutorials I've found only go so far - there's nothing about transferring texture or creating sub-object textures?  I've only had the plug-in for a few day so obviously I haven't looked at everything - if you know the answers to these questions, please provide links or comment.  


For dynamics I would take a look at these videos. They should get you to where you need to be

Thanks for the links!  I have watched those tutorials a couple of times but I'm running into issues with the following:


I need to be able to apply different textures to different groups of hair (feathers) since peacocks have different types of feathers on their tails.  I also need to be able to size them - the back row being the longest and the row closest to the back of the bird being the smallest.. And I need to be able to control the number of feathers per row - or at least close to it.  The rows start out at 8 and go to 31 feathers for each row and there are at least 10 rows of feathers.  Arrangement etc should look staggered.

On top of that I need to create some sort of dynamics for some of the feathers - I was trying to use the modified feather tutorial but gave up when I saw there wasn't really a way to indicate what color the tiny hairs would be along the sides.  I need irridescent color in different intensities... which is a tall order, I know..  Here is one of the tutorials I was using to create a Dynamic Peacock feather that I was going to use on the tail rig:  I think I can get really close as far as the shape but there is also a need for dynamics on the original mesh as it need to bend a bit and flex when moving as well as the tiny feather hairs moving.

Any ideas would be great.  I know it's a tall order and I've definitely hit a wall on this bird.

We have a whole series on bird feathers and the next video will focus on textures. You can certainly add different textures for different feathers. Depending on your workflow you might need to have different hair setups. Also for different lengths you can use the OX length modifer.

In the tutorial you are refrencing you can change the color of the small hairs on the sides for sure. You just need to add a material to them.

