Empty channel list in the assign guide channel.

Posted by:Strob
Data created:27 May 2017

What does it mean when I have nothing in my channel list drop down in the Assign Guide channels dialog?

Please see the attached scene, if you go in the render settings and click the assign guide channel button i have no channel in the drop down. I have to delete the Ox Hair from guide and recreate it to be able to see them in the render setting again.

Sometimes I also have missing channels in the render settings.

Attached Files:

>assign+guide+channel.max (839680 bytes),

Finally it's not just a problem of the list being sometimes empty, even if the list does have channels in it, it most of the times doesn't work. I can't control the thinckness of my fur with a vertex map. When i can paint it it most of time just has any effect and all the fur disapear. So I will use the viewport canvas tool to paint bitmap textures to control my thickness, but it's just a bit faster with vertex map so would be could if this could work.

Hi Jocelyn,

This is strange, I was able to reproduce this issue using your scene, but it's working fine if I start a new scene. Can you please try in a clean scene? I'll investigate it further, thanks for the report.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I think that bug happens when using guide as hair in the Ox Hair from Guides modifier.


I was able to reproduce this bug but only with HairFromMeshStrips. I created a ticket and this will be investigated, I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the report!

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)