The point cache on the Baked Guide are made for importing the simulated fur made by the CFX team.
It looks like we have, on some fur, a problem with this animation, maybe the simulation has been done on an old & buggy spline.
But, for the moment, we can let it off, we are first trying to debug without simulation. :)
Here's a preview of what we are trying to do.
Here's the caracter has we build it. I might have tuned some parameters on the old i send you, so i prefere to send this one, just clean from maps & displacements & workings furs.
Furs called *A_ seems to be fine, while we switch off frizz modifiers.
Furs called *B_ are buggy, it's a bit hard to see with video compression but they do.
We are suspecting curl modifier to become crazy on top of animation too, like frizz.
I've tried to make a really simple scene, to explain our workflow :
We have 3 separates departements : animation, CFX & rendering. We need to combine animation & cfx, and then grooming with clusters, frizz & curls.
You can see that frizz are going crazy. This doesn't looks like our 'poping' problem, but doesn't feels natural.
We are actually estimating to split (clusters & frizz) & simplify our fur to continu working, but it's really frustrating for us to have a great groom but buggy with animation.