[] Clusters & Frizz

Posted by:TAT Studio
Data created:4 June 2018


we are actually in production and facing another time this cluster & frizz bug.


I have isolated a simple scene here :


Can you have a look and confirm this ?







Thank you for the scene. I'm investigating and will get back to you as soon as I can.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)


Got quicktime to open the video. I do see the jitter. In your scene you have animated hair though. I will have a closer look.




Hey Michael,

As I can see on the video and the scene there is flickering on the guides and hair. The hair was created using splines.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Okay, looks like you don't have my codec, sorry.


New upload : http://pingus.tatprod.com/TW/BUG_Ox_clusters_frizz/s14p0367.test.v026_H264.avi

Or youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyef9jn88vk




Hi Again,

I tried without the point cache and I don't see any flickering on viewport. I guess there is some intended animation in the point cache and maybe the problem is there. Also, it seems you are not using the point cache in the video. Are you experiencing the same flickering in viewport or only rendering? What happens if you try without the point cache? Are you rendering on a single machine?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Also in the scene it seems like Clustering does not effect the groom at all. Do you still get the issue with Clustering off?




Another option is to try with the latest stable build. Maybe this issue has been already fixed.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Indeed, i forget some informations.

- Yes, we use point cache for baking animation. We don't have any problems if there's no animation

- yes we render on our render farm, so multiples nodes (~250 renderSlaves)

- I didn't see any flickering in viewport (but i didn't watch for it ^^)

- After a bunch of tests, it looks like that it is the combination of cluster & frizz that make this bug. I don't have any problems if i've got only cluster or only frizz...  but the groom is not as good as i want ;)



Sounds like it might have to do with the point cache. One issue I see is that you are point caching before you ground. I can see this causing some issues as if the roots move the ground will have issues. That may be the main cause.


Second I would try just without Cluster. In the groom you sent Cluster does not look like its effecting the hair at all. The Threshold is to low for that. Please do a few still test renders with Cluster on and off and see if its effecting the look at all. If not I would just remove it.




The point cache on the Baked Guide are made for importing the simulated fur made by the CFX team.

It looks like we have, on some fur, a problem with this animation, maybe the simulation has been done on an old & buggy spline.

But, for the moment, we can let it off, we are first trying to debug without simulation. :)


Here's a preview of what we are trying to do.

> http://pingus.tatprod.com/TW/BUG_Ox_clusters_frizz/s14p0367B.test.v004.avi

Here's the caracter has we build it. I might have tuned some parameters on the old i send you, so i prefere to send this one, just clean from maps & displacements & workings furs.

> http://pingus.tatprod.com/TW/BUG_Ox_clusters_frizz/s14p0367B.test.v004.zip

Furs called *A_ seems to be fine, while we switch off frizz modifiers.

Furs called *B_ are buggy, it's a bit hard to see with video compression but they do.

> http://pingus.tatprod.com/TW/BUG_Ox_clusters_frizz/s14p0367B.test.v004b.avi

We are suspecting curl modifier to become crazy on top of animation too, like frizz.


I've tried to make a really simple scene, to explain our workflow :

> http://pingus.tatprod.com/TW/BUG_Ox_clusters_frizz/SimpleScene_02.max   

We have 3 separates departements : animation, CFX & rendering.  We need to combine animation & cfx, and then grooming with clusters, frizz & curls.

> http://pingus.tatprod.com/TW/BUG_Ox_clusters_frizz/SimpleScene_02.mov   

You can see that frizz are going crazy. This doesn't looks like our 'poping' problem, but doesn't feels natural.



We are actually estimating to split (clusters & frizz) & simplify our fur to continu working, but it's really frustrating for us to have a great groom but buggy with animation.



