Hair from Guides does not make intended hair

Posted by:Shun
Data created:10 June 2018


I watched this tutorial and tried making hair from splines.

I made a simple plane as scalp to make hair,
and I added Splines to make some guides. 

However when I create Hair from Guides,
some hair doesn't follow the nearest guide.



Could you tell me what I am missing ?


Try using Affine interpolation in Interpolation Guide Count section. Then add a Strand Clustering modifier the bring the hair together.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

thank you for your help,

it looks better now but still doesn't look right,
I think the hair from the back side of scalp mesh doesn't follow the guides, (which I don't need anyway)
is there a way to make hair from guides only from the front side of the polygon mesh ? 

Attached Files:
Image 1

Well I found what to do myself,
uncheck the Use UV Coords and it works well.