'Ox Generate Guide Data' modifier are not present in the modifier list.

Posted by:agphd
Data created:18 June 2018

I'm trying to apply 'Ox Generate Guide Data' modifier on the 'Ox Strand Propagation' modifier.

But, 'Ox Generate Guide Data' modifier are not present in the modifier list regardless of 'Show End Results' is turned On or Off.

You can check the attached image.

I'm using 'Ornatrix' with 3ds max 2017.

Attached Files:

>OrnatrixIssue1.JPG (81979 bytes),


Ox Generate Guide Data modifier was first introduced on Ornatrix V5, it is not present on V4.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I didn't know that. Thank you for your quick answer.