After more than 10 months of development and rigorous beta testing we are proud to present Ornatrix V4 for 3dsmax!
Our pipeline-friendly hair modeling, animation, and rendering software redefines the truly artist-friendly tool.
Set up character hair in minutes with intuitive placement and brushing controls. Play around with a set of procedural hair operators and presets to refine the style of your groom. Use our simulation tools which work tightly with 3dsmax animation pipeline to control the movement of hair. Finally, render out your masterpieces using your preferred rendering solution: Ornatrix supports all of them.
Version 4 brings better performance, improved brushing tools, updated dynamics, a new preset system, and a slew of other features to the table.
Here is the full change list from Ornatrix V3:
New: Ability to pan/zoom in a graph/curve editors
New: All graph/curve editors now support undo/redo
New: Mesh from strand billboard UVs now respects strand thickness
New: Rotation attribute data for hair
New: New Grooms feature (XML format for defining hair presets)
New: Added support for NURBS curves to Ox Guides from Shape modifier
New: Added option to ground strands modifier to control which strand components are affected
New: Deforming collision meshes are now supported in PhysX dynamics
New: Nearly all maps used in Ornatrix now have an invert option
New: Switched to new MSI based installers for easier distribution and deployment of Ornatrix
New: SDK and Maxscript access to Ornatrix version information
New: Multiple hairs per follicle using new Strand Multiplier modifier
New: Hair from Mesh Strips now allows "fanning" hairs perpendicular to strip surface
New: Show named selection sets for sub-object in Edit Guides
New: Installer now offers options to install for 3dsmax Design
New: Add support for varying hair strip parameters
New: All points in curve editors can be moved and deleted
New: Ability to specify install locations for specific components using new installer
New: Z-up, Y-up, or X-up orientation export for Alembic
New: Added an option for Alembic exporter to export render version of hairs
New: Added an option to export Alembic objects each to their own file
New: Allow user to specify the maximum number of hairs in viewport preview which face cameras
New: Converted all "Invert" map checkboxes into image buttons
New: Surface brushing performance and functionality is improved
New: GUI improvements with real-time feedback of brush strength and size in modify panel
New: Pull brush for straightening out hairs
New: Ability to lock surface brush through modify panel, without having to press Ctrl key
New: Added a label in EditGuidesModifier to show current guide selection
New: Improved performance of GroundStrandsModifier grounding
New: Icons for multiple Ornatrix operators
New: 3dsmax 2016 support
New: Quick hair button now adds VRayOrnatrixMod if renderer is V-Ray RT
New: Add ability for .oxgroom files to store and display a thumbnail
Fix: Flickering in root moving and grooming and bad root interpolation
Fix: Edit Spline not working with Adopt from Stack
Fix: Frizz not working as expected
Fix: Crash when creating then deleting Edit Guides root data
Fix: Proxy meshes are being deformed incorrectly
Fix: Frizz modifier amount map is not working as expected
Fix: Issues with gravity modifier. Lost curve after saving and loading scene
Fix: Index out of range after changing root count and using Edit Guides modifier
Fix: HairFromMeshStripsObject is not updated in the scene view with animated parameters
Fix: Strand propogation modifier freeze
Fix: Guides on spline crash
Fix: Edit gudies crash
Fix: Strip selection in Hair from mesh strips object is not updated correctly in Wireframe scene view
Fix: Symmetry modifier plane vector is not draw correctly in some positions
Fix: Length modifier randomize seed is not working
Fix: Failed asserting at Matrix::LookAt
Fix: Edit Guides loading error (binary I/O) and crash
Fix: Customer-reported issue with the new Strand Multiplier modifier
Fix: Hair clustering modifier produces different clusters in viewport on each run
Fix: Frizz diagram crash
Fix: "Hair from mesh strips" and "strand multiplier" GUI is gone
Fix: Edit Guides plant root crash reported by customer
Fix: Ornatrix Script Error on CAT bones
Fix: Crash rendering Mesh from Strands with V-Ray without UV coordinates
Fix: Ornatrix toolbar does not get installed
Fix: Alembic export crashes when trying to export multiple objects
Fix: Ornatrix HairLength map modifier broken
Fix: Error in GuideDelta when deleting roots in user-provided scene
Fix: Last point of hair clustering diagram is not editable
Fix: Issues with Edit Guides corruption on scene save
Fix: After recent merge Hair from Mesh Strips diagram broken again
Fix: VRay distance texture does not work with distribution maps
Fix: Detail modifier not smoothing interpolated strands
Fix: Dynamics diagram editor works very unreliable
Fix: Toolbar is not installed for non-English versions of Max
Fix: Crash when changing strand point count before ground strands modifier
Fix: Crash when ground strands distribution object is deleted and scene reloaded
Fix: Saving and re-loading Wikihuman "digital Emily" model does not preserve guides shape
Fix: Hair clustering modifier is not applied when rendering
Fix: If scene has two objects with same name Alembic export crashes
Fix: Install (copy) groom templates into /plugcfg/Ornatrix/Grooms
Fix: Ornatrix dynamics exception and inability to simulate
Fix: Crash with caching of hair from guides modifier used as guides for another hair from guides modifier
Fix: Installer does not install grooms into correct directory on some versions of 3dsmax
Fix: Alembic exporter does not export animation for guides with ground strands modifier
Fix: Icons in create groom dialog are not well aligned
Fix: Generate groom dialog GUI cleanup
Fix: Generate groom dialog switch to Qt
Fix: Implement groom dialog filters
Fix: Crash when undo after editing frizz diagram
Fix: Diagram modification undo is not work for Dynamic modifier
Fix: PropagationModifier diagrams do not render correctly
Fix: Curve diagram in hair from strips, strands multiplier not redrawing when panned
Fix: Installer throws an exception when trying to execute the AddToolbar action
Fix: Failed assert/crash probably from GroundStrandsModifier
Fix: Assertion failed if GroundStrandsModifier applied for mesh with degenerate triangle
Fix: Calling Logger::Instance.Log from different threads causes deadlock in Ornatrix for Max
Fix: Alembic hair export hair width incorrect when loaded with V-Ray proxy object
Fix: Groom dialog item names should use more friendly format
Fix: Generate toolbar icons from SVG files
Fix: Guide clustering modifier maps do not work
Fix: Replace ANN library with a more modern alternative
Fix: Installer only installs toolbar for first version it encounters
Fix: Mesh from strands produces noisy tips for flat proxy meshes
Fix: Add hair menu option in non-QT Max (2013 and below) does nothing
Fix: Installer problem when batch installing on network drives
Fix: Unwanted guides/hairs get planted when sub-selection option is on
Fix: Comb brush works incorrectly in orthographic views
Fix: Crash when opening our bat sample scene
Fix: Hair is always displayed black in Nitrous viewport
Fix: "View polygon hair" global setting does not survive 3dsmax restart
Fix: "Remember" button in Guides from Mesh Object does nothing
Fix: Rotate strands modifier does not use map and channel multipliers if orient based on strand is on
Fix: Rotate strands map does not produce real-time feedback when using color picker in medit
Fix: Push away from surface option in edit guides produces incorrect results
Fix: Viewport and render normals are facing the wrong way
Fix: Adding surface comb sink to a face and reducing mesh face count causes a crash
Fix: Crash adding Detail modifier on top of HairFromMeshStrips object
Fix: Crash when changing strand clustering twist value to a small value
Fix: Default feathers groom is not working
Fix: About box should indicate demonstration version somewhere