
Title:OxEditGuides - Surface Brush
Posted By:Markus.S ( Markus Skibinski )
Date Created:3 December 2011

Currently there is a surface Brush implemented in the OxEditGuides modifier but it doesn't some to work for combing the Guides at all. It would be nice if it does.

Follow Ups

Right, this is on the TODO list. It seemed to have broken at some point. I guess this is more of a bug report :)

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Ah, ok.

I didn't put that to the bug report area because I thought it was more a feature in development stage. I'm really currios how it will work when it's fixed.

I also have noticed that the surface brush changes its shape, i think depending on how far you are zoom in to the model. Then it looks eihter like a circle, a sqaure or simetimes it has a star like shape. is that on purpose or also a bug?