
Title:Generating Clump works when not all hair are displayed in hair from guide
Posted By:juleslin ( lin chun yue jules )
Date Created:5 March 2020

Dear Support team,

I am setting up the coat of a horse using Ornatrix in 3dsmax. Since the coat involved around 4million of hair, it's easier for me to use low view count in "hair from guide" to preview less strand in the viewport. However, the generating clump in ox_clump would not work correctly unless I display all 4million hair in the viewport.
Do you think it's possible to make the generating clump to work correctly even not all the hair are displayed in the viewport? It would be extremely helpful!

Thank you!

Follow Ups


Sorry for the delayed reply. 

I need more details. What does "would not work correctly" means in this specific case? Are you getting any errors or warnings in the script listener? Have in mind that if you are generating a lot of clumps for a lot of hairs you may need see the results in the viewport because there is not enough hairs to see the actual result, and it will be only noticeable on the final render.  

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Dear Figuereo,

I've attached a scene and screencap to help to illustrate my question. Ox_clump needs ox_hair_from_guide showing all hair to generate the correct amount of clumps, if ox_hair_from_guide display 100 but the actual amount of hair is 10000, the number of generated clump would be wrong.

Thank you!


Attached Files:
Image 1
>ox_clump.max (1105920 bytes),

Hi Jules,

This is by design: The clumper will generate clumps taking whatever amount of hair its in the viewport. So to generate the correct amount of hair you have to set a viewport count close to the render count, then you can set the viewport count back to a lower value. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Dear Figuereo,

Understood, but may I suggest to have ox_clump generate correct amount even not displaying the close to the render count? Because displaying 4million guide makes everything the whole process a lot slower.

Thank you!

Jules Lin