
Title:Moov Physics, better strand control.
Posted By:Vincit ( Nareg Kalenderian )
Date Created:26 April 2020


Moov physics is a welcome addition to Ornartrix but after some tests i seem to find myself going back to cloth for many reasons espaecially for things like ponytails and for more control over the animations, notbaly on tied up hair styles.

However there is one area I think could make moov physics more practical (for me at least) especially for smaller hanging hairs and curls.

- I wish I had better control over which areas of the strands are influenced by Moov. 

For instance I would like to be able to tell Moov via gradient map what areas to 100% apply physics on and which areas to keep as they are. No matter how much I played with the attract and other stiffness settings, Moov always sims everything starting from the root and avoids keeping things as they are unmoved.

I was hoping the animation cache would have a spot for gradient map on the "Apply amount" section, as a workaorund, so that at least I could cache the aniamtion and then apply a map perhaps. But alas there isn't one.

Maybe there is a way but I haven't found it yet?

In any case, hope to see such helpful additions in the future, thank you.

Follow Ups


Thank you for your feedback. Moov have a strand group parameter where you can specify a strand group to simulate and leave the rest of the strands static. It also have Ramp Curves for many of it's parameter to control the physic effects from root to tip, have you tried those? 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Hi Jeordanis,

Thank you for you reply,

Yes I spent a good time tweaking those parameters, while strand groups isolates strands it still has a behavioral issue from my tests compared to cloth, the other more important issue is that in some of my tests I still couldn't get some of the strands roots up to a certain length to stay 100% unaffected by the sim. Moov always seems to apply some movement or curvature no matter how much i worked the curves and settings.

Perhaps if I get the chance I will try to put together a demonstration maybe it will explain better.

Thank you for your time in any case, I still find cloth to work better in the cases I am using them in it gets the job done even if its really slow :).

All the best,


Yes please, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)