
Title:allow loose hairs from clumps
Posted By:cptchris ( Chris Johnson )
Date Created:6 April 2015

currently there seems to be only culumping on and or off. It would be nice to allow for random hairs to break out of clumps. That way there's no need for a secondary groom to achieve that.

Follow Ups

Thank you for the suggestion Chris. How do you envision clumps to be controlled? Via a map or some other way?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Here's an option that may be a bigger undertaking but would allow for a ton of flexiblility in different respects. Hope you don't mind me making reference to other softwares? Houdini has a really nice option for multiple groom controls and multiple texture levels from one groom. So in ornatrix terms, OX Guides from Surface. In there you can have the traditional one hair system or you can allow for multiple. The entire groom, the "total fur count", can be distributed across the multiple grooms. So you have inside the OX Guides from surface a check box that is off by default. If you tun it on you can have Hair 1, Hair 2, Hair3 ect. You turn them on as you need them. You can control how much each of the groom goes to them with a number dividing the entire hair by 100%. Hair 1 gets 60 percent of the overall groom. Hair 2 gets 30 percent and hair 1 get's 10. Modifiers in the stack could either control everything or there could be a tick box to say this modifier can do this just to the hair2's. The same would go for texturing. You could have textures effect all the hair or you could have textures that go to hair 1, hair2, hair 3. ect. This would allow you to have loose hairs from clumps and this would also solve the multiple profiles of hairs thickness as well as profile!?


I've found in the past that fur specifically on animals have multiple types of hairs within their fur. I've always added a second groom to things to add random stray to have to groom things a second time and this would cure that pain as well as add a ton of flexibilty to the hair to simply add variation and colour.

That make sense?

Yes it makes sense. Some of it can already be addressed in Ox using strand groups (which can be specified through edit guides) which we are planning to expand a bit in V4. There needs to be more support for them but you should already be able to apply render settings to a specific strand group, it has a spinner up top. The big thing to change from your description would be controlling hair count in hair from guides using strand groups but that should also be doable. Right now you can use mesh vertex channels or a map to control hair density but using strand groups should also be possible in the future. Thank you for the detailed description.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Is there a good video that focus's specifically on Strand Groups? I tried it a bit without much luck...but really it was a 5 minute test. I'll look at them again. Vertex and map channels seem to work quite well.