
Title:view fur by volume
Posted By:cptchris ( Chris Johnson )
Date Created:21 April 2015

On a Houdini project I worked on we had a really nice custom tool for viewing fur by a you could put a cube of your selection anywhere on a groom and all the other hairs would be hidden. Made it realy nice for working on overly com[plex grooms and not being able to see what your doing in a certain view even if you had hairs selected.


Not a neccesity but it was a nice feature.

Follow Ups

A good request, thank you Chris. Do you know how it controls what is displayed? In case of Ornatrix I can think of the box just limiting at which point the roots would be generated in Ox Hair from Guides (and maybe Ox Guides from Surface) to be able to temporarily isolate a particular area on the distribution mesh. I cannot imagine it also clipping the actual hair segments. Is that how it works in Houdini?

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

I beleive it was by point of source. However there was an option for "Include Polys not Wholly contained". So if you have this in conjunction with the ability to zoom on sub object level of hair...well that would be awesome!!!!

Regarding zooming to sub-object level, check out the latest build, it is in there.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

You are the bestest!!!!

Not the bestest just yet....yes it does now zoom into a sub selection. Thanks you. However the pivot of the camera does not! So you try to orbit now around your subselection and the camera goes funky.


The kind of finctionality that would be good can be imitate simply. Get a cube, change to edit poly, zoom in on sub selction and orbit...that cmaera spins around that sub selection.

Try it with does not do the same thing...unless my version that I downloaded is buggy?