
Title:render Stack priority at render time?
Posted By:cptchris ( Chris Johnson )
Date Created:27 April 2015

Maybe this button exists?

Is there a way to force rendering, regardles of what modifier you have select4ed in the stack, to render as if the top of the stack is selected. I can't count the amount of time I've lost beacuse I had a modifier sleelcted lower in the stack accidentally before hitting render. Then I had to wait till the render got part of the way through to realize that. Also...seems to me that more often then not...90% of the time you always want to see what the end of the stack result is. So can theat not be a forced thing somehow. Maybe a button in the VrayOrantrixMod called Always render top of stack?


Or again maybe this button exists?

Follow Ups

Is the Show End Result feature in the Modify stack is not what your looking for?

Or I could do that...sorry still new to Max.

If you could delete this string in the interest of saving me the embarrasment that would be grreatley appreciated!!! ; )