
Title:Pin/Freeze a certain area
Posted By:ruper3d ( Ruben D Perez Medina )
Date Created:15 October 2015

Would it be possible to 'Pin' or 'frezze' certain parts of our guides (not the whole guide tough) so we can adjust or brush the guide without affecting the 'frozen' parts?

Say a character has a Pin or something keeping the hair fixed to a spot but the Art Director wants more volume somewhere on the front. That would make it possible to make changes on the base of the guide without shifting the rest of the guide.. or is this feature already implemented in OX and I'm missing it?


Thanks a lot


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Follow Ups

Hello, thank you for the request. Right now you can do this with brushing by selecting the guides up to a certain point and then using the "Affect Selected Only" option. You can also freeze whole strands. However, there is no way at the moment to freeze a part of the strand in control point mode. I think best solution for this would be a "Select all before" or "Select all after" option followed by a "affect selected only" option.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)