
Title:Edit Guides Brushes improvements
Posted By:canderled ( Damien Canderle )
Date Created:3 November 2015

Hi, here some features i really like to  be able to get with the brush:


Smooth brush is great but i'd really liked to also get a straigten brush from actual root to actual tips vector. obviously in order to kee the hair length, this would have to move the tips along the root-tips vector.


pull brush is also great but sometime i need the exact opposite, to move the hair flat on the surface.


I'll put other thought here as they come:)


Follow Ups

Ok, so from what I understand you want one brush which would take current strand's root and tip into configuration and make the rest of it straight? And another brush which would lay a particular strand flat on he surface. This one I need to think about how it'd work since we cannot just "project" a strand onto a surface, it'd need to lay down gradually.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)