
Title:OX MR works when Hidden
Posted By:shawnolson ( Shawn Olson )
Date Created:13 December 2015

It would be helpful if you could render in MR even when the Ox MR Helper is hidden. If you forget to unhide the helper and send a job to render, oops. Several times I've made renders and scratched my head as to why hair was missing. It wasn't until I figured out that the hair won't render when OX MR helper is hidden that the mystery was solved for me. But it's easy to slip your mind since you can see the hair in the viewport.

Follow Ups

Implemented in next build

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Thank you Marsel. Even though I know about this, it's caught me off guard during several tests.


Max & Maya USD Product Owner @ Autodesk

Developer of Wall Worm