
Title:Symmetry that deletes guides from the other side
Posted By:primerstudio ( Primer Studio )
Date Created:20 November 2016

Right now, the symmetry workflow is kind of whacked. You have to manually delete half of your guides and then symmetry/ground. It would be much easier if the symmetry would have a familiar behaviour (like 3ds max native symmetry) and offer to delete the half of the guides that you probably don't need.

Correct me if this has been addressed in some new build or if my workflow is totally wrong.

Follow Ups

Interesting, makes sense, thank you. There are a number of improvements which can be made to symmetry indeed.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

You know what would be ideal, now that we are talking :), the ability to produce symmetrical guides from the get go (provided the mesh is symmetrical) and make all the brushes or the whole edit guides have symmetry option. This is kind of what I was secretly hoping there already is inside of Ornatrix.


Great work by the way with the customer support. Allways very swift to respond. Thank you for that.

Thank you. We actually have brush symmetry planned for V5.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)