Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:26 September 2010
* Major overhaul of composite node inputs and outputs
* "Composite node" renamed to "Cluster node" to avoid future confusions
+ Cluster nodes/views now support multiple outputs
+ Added "external" schematic view inputs and outputs to replace old "highlight" system. To create composite inputs/outputs now simply connect appropriate node inputs/outputs to the schematic external ports.
+ Added option to show/hide external schematic ports in a view
* Fixed composite nodes not dropable into templates palette
* Scene nodes are now auto-deselected when they're frozen by default
+ Added a configuration option to toggle scene node auto-deselecting on freezing
* Layers now cannot be renamed if a layer with same name already exists. This fixes a number of issues.
* A lot of code refactoring, optimization, and migration
* Preparations for internalization support

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)