Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:13 October 2009

+ Added composite views palette rollout
* Composite view nodes (or view's drag icon) can be dragged into composite views palette. This will create a template for that composite view as an XML file called *.composite_view in Zookeeper's 3dsmax directory. These templates are automatically listed in this rollout.
* Dropping a composite template from palette onto a schematic view creates a composite view from that palette recreating all objects, their composite inputs/output, layout and display states, and all connections between them

* Created composite templates are named using same name as the view that created them
* If a .png file is present in the composite templates directory it is used as an icon for that template (ie. mytemplate.composite_template would use mytemplate.png)
* .png icons are automatically generated and saved when creating a composite view based on the current node preview image

* Fixed multiple bugs related to composite views and restoring their connections

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)