Posted by:EPHERE
Data created:22 January 2010

* Fixed error message happening sometimes when closing 3dsmax with ZK containing a full tree view
* Spinners now use adaptive scaling, and the default scaling is set to a more comfortable to use value
* Removed cursor changes and other distractions while panning a schematic view

* Fixed: Composite node custom input names are reset when creating a composite template from that node
* Fixed: Error messages related to 'deleting nodes' in some cases after resetting the scene

+ Added a blacklist of certain hidden nodes that cannot be stored inside templates (currently containing certain mental ray and direct x custom attributes). This prevents a slew of listener error messages when instantiating some templates.
* Fixed a listener error when instantiating some templates that contain non-renamable nodes

* More work done on template downloading (templates can now be downloaded and replaced from The Zoo)

+ Added custom scripted MXS-driven node type for schematic views. This should allow for much more flexibility during composite/template creation (currently its WIP, for experimental use only)

+ Added missing files

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)