Scene Manager for Layer manager

Posted by:sebastian___
Data created:17 August 2010

I tried the Scene manager forums - but they don't work. Sorry for the off-topic - but we are still talking about Managers :)

I came here with the hope that my features request can be easily solved - or maybe there is already a version somewhere with those solved.

A few years ago I tried Scene Manager and I thought it was a fantastic tool. I even thought to make a request so all from the team should use this as a layer manager. But then again I noticed some problems like it was unfinished or something so I decided for the default layer manager - with far less features but more predictable.

I have some scenes now with ton of objects and in the latest weeks I saw on the internet some talks about the Scene Manager and I said : Oh good, it's still in development and I decided to give it another go. And it's exactly the same. Only now I'm more convinced to stay with it because it's almost vital.

I tried The Onion and I don't like it because it doesn't show the objects and can't select the objects.

So what's the problem with Scene Manager ? Very few but annoying. For start it doesn't save settings. Almost no settings. Every time I start 3ds max I have to do this :

go to options  and set "confirm before linking items" - ON

disable "Automatically adopt layer's properties" - This one CAN create some havok in the scene

"autoselect items by layer" - ON

Move the Layer Manager to the left and the Scene Tree to the right

It saves in the .ini the position on screen desktop(it works with 2 monitors - GREAT) - but no position of the internal windows.

The option "Store SM dialog's parameters to an INI file" seems to do nothing.

I found the INI created by SM - maybe if I add something manually to it I can set those options to stick ?

Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for the suggestions, it is great to hear that you like our old Scene Manager. Have you looked at Zookeeper yet? It is the successor of our scene manager and greatly expands on its functionality. You can find a video relating to tree views and layer management here:

A lot has improved even since that video was made. I no longer work on Scene Manager, but it is open source so if you know some C++ feel free to get it and play around with the sources to achieve the features you need:

Hope this helps

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

Yes I like Zookeper alot. I installed the demo for Max 2010 months ago. For years I kept wondering when something like that would appear. And as soon I will need that I will buy it. But for now I prefer Max 9 - because I'm more familiar with it and I believe it's slightly faster and the Scene Manager is perfectly enough as a layer manager - because that's all I need - for now.

Unfortunately I don't know C++ ..still it's not all bad. Your answer could have been "I no longer work on Scene Manager" end.

 I will just have to find someone with C++ knowledge. Thanks :)