i just downloaded and installed the demo-version of zookeeper on 3ds max 2010 64 bit
when clicking the "hide filtered node"-button or the "show empty inputs"-button in a schematic view, the following "Max.NET Unhandled Exception"-message pops up:
Exception and stack trace
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type '#=qls72GvL6084TynQkXRM5Iw==' to type 'Ephere.Plugins.Autodesk.Max.Zookeeper.Entities.Entity'.
at Ephere.Plugins.Autodesk.Max.Zookeeper.Views.Schematic.OnNodeRenamed(Node node, String newName)
at Ephere.Plugins.Autodesk.Max.Zookeeper.Views.Schematic.#=qzO2qjJJM_ToRUg5kh8UwYS$RttWzQTpTgcjLAjzqzBA=(Control #=q$H1rmXKZnLW6EcrbkgJNOg==, ChangeState #=q_DphkFYNBgVYG3T7fJWOgQ==)
at Ephere.Gui.NodeViews.Controls.Control.OnValueChanged(ChangeState changeState)
at Ephere.Gui.NodeViews.Controls.CheckBox.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e, ControlArguments args)
at Ephere.Gui.NodeViews.NodeView.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at Ephere.Gui.NodeViews.Schematic.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at Ephere.Plugins.Autodesk.Max.Zookeeper.Views.Schematic.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
after that, this schematic view responds strangely to mouse clicking:
- when left clicking, the error message keeps popping up
- when right clicking i get the ordinary context menu, but the view itself is kind of greyed out. after that, left clicking again works fine, right click-behaviour keeps buggy as described.
the other views (an object manager view and another schematic view keep working fine).
is this a reported 3dsmax 2010 behaviour or possibly due to limitations of the demo-mode?
should "hide filtered node" and "show empty inputs" work in demo-mode?