crash-report: editing nurbs in zookeeper

Posted by:gagliano
Data created:15 January 2014

zookeper crashes when doing the following (file attached: 01.max):
- creating a simple nurbs-setup (two cv-curves, u-loft between them, two extrusion surfaces)
- add the nurbs object to a schematic view (scene node: curve 01)
- drag out the object input (cv surf)
- maximise sub-animatables
- drag out the model input
- max crashes


greetings   roberto

Attached Files:

>01.max (253952 bytes),

Thank you for the report, we are investigating this.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)

This will be fixed in the next build, thanks again.

It turned out to be an issue in Max and the "Model" input cannot be expanded, so this is more of a patch than a full fix. We will contact Autodesk regarding a deeper fix.

Marsel Khadiyev (Software Developer, EPHERE Inc.)