Brush feathering

Posted by:CinematicCaptures
Data created:7 November 2022

Is there a way to feather a your brush so there is a softer falloff? I'd like to create a slight fade with my cut brush but the edges are too harsh. 

I think what you want can be accomplished better with a Length modifier and a texture mask with a gradient. It is more procedural. Basically:

  1. Add a Length modifier,
  2. Set the desired length multiplier(or leave it default),
  3. Paint a black and white texture map where darker areas represent shorter hairs/strands/guides and lighter areas longer hairs. The black and white values will be the multipliers.
  4. Connect the map to the Length multiplier slot in the Length modifier.

I use this method to create very smooth fades for short haircuts. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)