Apply Preset To Material Group?

Posted by:barryzundel
Data created:19 January 2023

Is it possible to create a goom preset in UE, and then saave that preset, and apply it to a section of a model, such as a material group?


Are you referring to adding hair to a predefined group of polygons based on a material ID?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Yes.  The ability to apply a preset to a material ID.

Use the setting "MaterialIndicesIncludedInDistributionMesh" in the to specify material ids to be included.

Use "MeshSectionsIncludedInDistributionMesh" to toggle sub-object meshes off and on. At the moment this is only supported for skeletal meshes.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)