the problem is a character from several materials.

Posted by:f113
Data created:25 January 2023

<span class="jCAhz ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">Hi.</span> <span class="ryNqvb">many hours I can not solve the problem.</span> <span class="ryNqvb">Ornatrix works great on balls, cubes and other objects made of the same material.</span> <span class="ryNqvb">But I'm trying to apply this to a character with a rig that has a lot of objects and materials in its body.</span> <span class="ryNqvb">After transferring the character to UE, the following set of parameters appears there.</span><span class="ryNqvb">For some mysterious reason, the creators of UE did not provide for the ability to change the order or numbering of these elements.   Eement 0, Element 1 etc<br /></span></span>


<span class="jCAhz ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb"></span></span>


 <span class="jCAhz ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">When trying to apply Ornatrix to a character's body, it only works on element 0, which is the character's fingernail.</span></span>

<span class="jCAhz ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb"></span></span>

 <span class="jCAhz ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">I tried for many hours to find a way to transfer this to the body of the character, but it does not work.</span> <span class="ryNqvb">And I didn't find a solution on the internet.</span> <span class="ryNqvb">Perhaps one of the developers will be able to suggest How can I solve this problem?</span></span>

in the Ornatrix manual on site, I did not find such hints


 and a second question in passing, as I foresee a problem in this area as well.
How do I assign hair growth areas to a specific area, not to the entire mesh ?
And how to assign different areas of hair growth within one mesh and to several different meshes at once?

eg: character with fur and hair. So that the whole body was covered with fur, but eyebrows and hair stood out on it?
and the character could be wearing clothes with fur elements.


ps Why doesn't your forum allow you to upload picture?

suddenly some pieces of code from a visual editor with text... and a complete lack of the ability to edit a message mutilated by the code... what a stone age...

ah... already progress. You can edit a comment ... but why can't you edit the main message?


In order to study the problem, I removed the bones from the character, removed Rig. In this mode, it is possible to use fur on his body ... But with the reinforcement I did not find a way to do this.


a message with an attempt to publish pictures turned into a hellish trash. i delete it

Are you trying to add hair to a polyon selection or a specific area on a polygon mesh?

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

Did you make this post using a translator or some kind of browser extension? I'm tring to figure out why your messages turn out like this(with html characters between sentences). 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

>Are you trying to add hair to a polyon selection or a specific area on a polygon mesh?

To begin with, I tried to make a layer of fur all over the character's body. But the body material is located (see screenshot) - element 4. And the ornatrix is applied only to element 0.
I can't figure out how to change this.

Subsequently, I will need to make fur all over the body + on the same mesh a small island for eyebrows and hair. But the main problem now is that the ornatrix only works on element0, which is the character's nails.

>Did you make this post using a translator or some kind of browser extension? I'm tring to figure out why your messages turn out like this(with html characters between sentences).

browser - firefox. HTML garbage is present only in those messages where I tried to insert an image into the wysyfig editor. At first, after deleting the picture, garbage codes remained around it. Then my post, which I tried to send (which didn't seem to get sent) - appeared 20 minutes later on the forum in comment format, with the entire JPG converted to code for multiple scrolling screens. I deleted this garbage, but I can't edit the first post that left the garbage. For some strange reason, only comment editing is available.

can I send you a short video via mail or telegram, viber or discord? it will just look better.

English is not my native language and probably my speech is not always clear enough. I'm using automatic translation (but that's not the reason for the garbage in the message).

We solved this on Discord. The imported mesh have several material IDs and you need to tell Ornatrix to which one the hair should be applied.  This is set in the  Material Indices Included in Distribution and Mesh Sections Included in Distribution of the hair component settings: 

To add images to your posts you need to use this button:

Copy-paste will not work. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)