
Title:Distribute textures ruined after opening the saved file
Posted By:l2ezad ( reza dehghan )
Date Created:11 February 2019



when i opened a saved file with multiple furballs on a single mesh - the distribution textures eed to clear and re select to work correctly , even it need to active and deative the furball

Steps to Reproduce:

Attached Files:

>bug02.JPG (177459 bytes), >bug02_2.JPG (195181 bytes), >bug02_3.JPG (190978 bytes),


What is the resolution of the texture maps? There is a bug in Cinema4D that causes the behavior you just described when using 4K textures, we reported it to Maxon developers. If that is the case, please try to use maps with a lower resolution.

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

hi ,  thanks for reply - the maps i used was 2k resolution and in jpeg format. 

This issue has been fixed. Please try a recent build. Thank you for the report. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)