
Title:Guides/Hair length and scale problem on custom geometries
Posted By:l2ezad ( reza dehghan )
Date Created:4 June 2019



the guide lenght not obey the numbers you enter in the scale when creating the hair .

and you can't increase the guide lenght more than 200cm. however even the 200cm guide lenght will not work as it should.

Steps to Reproduce:

import/model a geometry 

add ornatrix hair 

no matter what number you put on scale field , the guides will be short -even with 200cm guide lenght


Attached Files:

>1.JPG (246082 bytes), >2.JPG (274892 bytes),

however there is a way to work with these geometries, you can manally decrease the size of the entire scene . but i dont think if this is a good way of working.


I just tried the scale parameter. It works fine as you can see in the image below, though the limit is 100. I will see if we can increase it. 

In Guides From Mesh there is a Length parameter which is limited to 200cm. You can also use the Length Modifier to increase the length beyong that. I will see about the limitations but all the legnth values are working fine on my end. Maybe you are using an older version. Please update to the latest beta build. Thanks for the report. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

this is the scene that i have lenght problem with it, and i used the latest built for testing


Attached Files:

>bird02+r19.c4d (538099 bytes),

I see. The thing is that you scene is in a very large scale. Even 200cm strands are too short for your character. We increased the length limit to 500cm but I don´t think that would be enough for your scene. Have you considered decreasing the scale of your scene? Ornatrix is designed to work in real world scale, this affect simulation as well. In this case, we would have to rework ALL the parameter limits of ALL the modifiers to make your scene work correctly.  

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

i understand my scene sclae is abit larger ,the real world scale for my bird is like 20cm, and here its 200cm, so i decreased the scale to .1

now the guide lenght are closer to what i need , however , with the default guide lenght set to 50cm , still we dont get 50cm , 

here on the pictures ,how this is possible , the bird from top to bottom is 22cm , but the ornatrix says the guide lenght is 50 cm . you can see it on the pictures


lenght problem1

 lenght problem 2



here i found another proof for the lenght problem . the ornatrix hair works correctly on the premitive geos of cinema 4d , but in the same scene its not working correctly on a custom geo.

both hairs applied with default settings. and the guide lenght are same, but you get different results .

and something i think i should mention is the custom geo has been trasfered several times between zbrush and cinema 4d , and i think if i fully modeled it in the cinema 4d , both lenght and comb sinks seems to work correctly . 

but for the sake of detailing and texturing i had to use zbrush . 

lenght problem 3

If you reduced the scale of your character maybe it still have transform history. Try freezing or deleting the transform history. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

I think we find the problem, this is related to the transform. Roger is looking into this. Thank you for the details, I will update this thread as soon as this is fixed. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

How are you re-scaling the character? Changing the parameters on the Coord. tab or using the Scale tool? 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

thank you for answer.

i did re-scaling with project setting (ctrl+d) , it was set from 1cm to .1 cm 

but i even copied the character to a new scene with default settings and the sphere beside the bird is also a default premitive sphere .

i think i found a way that bypass the problem , if you export a geometry to another format like OBJ or FBX(i didnt test this) , and then import it again , both the lenght and sinks works correctly! 

the cinema 4d export/import system is a little bit wierd specially in terms of scale , before this , i had problems with zbrush goz and other plugins as well.

and i think this problem caused because the c4d has not a real delete history as i know, theres a freeze transformation only and there is "set current state to object , however , none of them works like delete history command in maya.

Hi! We have made some improvements to fix ths problems back in june. The only thing missing was to compensate the object's scale when creasting hair, so it does not over or under scale the created hair. It was impelemtned today.

If you see any other problems, please let us know.