
Title:surface comb sinks not working correctly on custom geometries
Posted By:l2ezad ( reza dehghan )
Date Created:4 June 2019



when you draw the surface comb node sinks on a custom geo , the sinks don't follow the model surface correctly , and intersect with model often. so the comb direction will not work as it suppose to.

also i tried to edit the sinks after i created them and make their position better , but the snaping function it has , will not allow the sinks to follow the surface correctly.

Steps to Reproduce:

import/model a custom geo

add ornatrix hair

add surface comb 

add sinks and draw on the model


Attached Files:

>3.JPG (250052 bytes), >4.JPG (244486 bytes), >5.JPG (293532 bytes), >6.JPG (421242 bytes),


Thank you for the report. We are looking into this. I will keep you posted about our progress. Can you provide your scene for testing? Sinks are working fine on primitives but not on custom geometry as you noticed. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)

here you can test it on the bird . 

also with this scene you can check the scale problem i've reported on another topic.

and i have to say , i used latest built for testing these .

Attached Files:

>bird02+r19.c4d (538099 bytes),

Hi l2ezad,

I think I solved the main issue with the sinks problem, the fix will be on the next build, but there's something on your project that is no quite right yet.

Looks like your project plane is rotated, it is standing up. On your project, it is parallel to the bird's body. If I copy everything and paste into a new project, the plane is like it usually is, and perpendicular to the bird's body. The screenshiot shows this with the body isolated.

Is thre any settings you changed on the project axis plane? I didn't find anythong to set this.


Attached Files:
Image 1Image 2

nope , i didnt change the planes , however , i transfered the model between the cinema 4d and zbrush via GOZ plug in , and as i know this may change some of the settings. and main cause of the axis plane problem.

I found the problem, it's related to the project's workplane, which is rotated.

The fix will soon be available.


The fix has been implemented and will be available on the next build.

I have something to comment about your scene. The bird has a scale of 0.01, so you may be trying to scale Ornatrix hair up 100x. This will cause some problems, specifically for hair interpolation (guides will be too far) and widths (will be scaled up 100x too, messing up the hair shader). I suggest manually set the object scale to (1,1,1), then use the scale tool in Model mode and scale it down again. The tool will not affect the transform when in Model mode, it will shrink the polygon triangles, so you can work with the object on a natural realistic scale and avoid those problems.


thank you for youe comment roger , will try to fix my scene.