
Title:sub-clumping region channel doesn't work
Posted By:zhouxiang ( 周翔 )
Date Created:28 September 2019



<span>I created two clump modifiers, one is ’Add clump index channel‘, the other is sub-clumping the region channel set clump</span>ids then I created clumps, but it doesn't look right, it doesn't make a difference, I'm sorry for my English, hope you can solve it

Steps to Reproduce:

cinema 4d r20 ox v0.2320882


It works fine in my test scene. Remember to re-generate the clumps by clicking Generate after you turn ON Add Clump Index Channel. If the problem continue please try to reproduce the issue in a new scene with a sphere and share it here so we can debug it. 

Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)