
Title:Sink Tool in Surface Comb
Posted By:jayroth ( Jay Roth )
Date Created:16 October 2019



The sink too is virtually uncontrollable when editing. I have a groom that I wanted to use the sink took to comb out. However, the sinks themselves cannot be easily oriented. I tried both the perspective views as well as the plan views, yet the sinks just rotate in all sorts of weird directions. This is one tool I won't bother to use, and that's too bad. 

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Create a groom.
  2. Add a Surface Comb modifier.
  3. Add Sink Tool
  4. Edit Sinks.
  5. Get a beer. You'll need it.


Thank you for reporting this issue. However, I cannot reproduce it(See the image below). Are you able to reproduce this in a new scene with a sphere? If so, please share the scene here. Otherwise we may need the original scene for testing. 


Jeordanis Figuereo (Product Designer. EPHERE Inc.)